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09 Jun
World Environment Day
Millions of people celebrate world environment day with an aim to protect the environment and to save and conserve it. Here everyone is a part of the environment, we are all inter dependent. Every year, June 5 is celebrated as World Environment Day with a new resolution. The resolution should be to
- Ban Plastic
- Measures to save the greenery
- Imply people to grow trees in the backyard
- Encourage Carpooling
- Create more awareness to people the importance of keeping plants around us
- Turn to sustainable energy
Keeping plants indoors not only lowers the temperatures but also helps in cleaning the air around us.
We at Harith Tharang are connected to nature with the motive to turn Chennai Greener.
Our initiatives always comes with freebies which include free plant saplings. June 5th 2017 we have given free saplings for everyone who walkins in at the City Center Mylapore as a part to protect the environment.
Here at Harith Tharang we have all plants that suit your needs from Indoors table tops to outdoor trees we have a wide range of plants. Visit us at 42 Bazullah Rd, T.Nagar Chennai 17. 9841937297 | 04465275990