Article Detail
19 Oct
Navaratri is celebrated in different forms across the length and breadth of India. It is celebrated as Dussehra in the North, Navaratri in the West, Durga Puja in the East, and as Golu in South India. The essential theme remains the same and that is to celebrate the victory of good over evil. The nine days of Navaratri are extremely auspicious and are dedicated to the 9 goddesses that are forms of Goddess Durga or Ambe Mata, as she is revered in the financial capital of India.
We are connected to this universe - to some power that makes this whole creation happen. This power is filled with love. Navaratri is the time for you to realize that you are loved, and rest in this feeling of love. When you do this, you come out feeling stronger, wiser, rejuvenated, refreshed and harmonious.
In our day-to-day lives, we get very caught up in different activities. All kinds of noises are constantly going on in our minds - bickering, arguing, and judging, and so on. Navaratri is a time to overcome these tendencies and unite with the universe.
We at harith tharang help you connect to mother nature directly, by putting together small indoor, outdoor and herbal potted plants that you can gift to others and share the love of the universe. These little plants grow eternally and spread the love as they grow.